About Jaena

Quick Bio:

Jaena Sta. Ana is a Bay Area filmmaker, producer and director, interested in films that tell the story life, as one might not see it.  Jaena currently works for Rebel Unit Media Productions as a junior producer while freelancing as a producer of independent short films.

Jaena recently produced a commercial, titled Drive a Bike, for Breathe California promoting their Bike to Work campaign and produced Nuclear Family, a 20-minute darkly comedic coming-of-age tale now beginning its festival run.  Jaena’s forthcoming directorial debut, Catch the Clock, explores the secret life of Azra, a secluded mortician, who comes to life through what she knows best — death.

Jaena has a B.S. in Digital Film & Video Production, and lives in San Francisco, CA.  

Purpose of the Blog:

As I near my final year here The Art Institute of California, San Francisco, I must begin my journey into what is called the ‘Senior Thesis’ aka ‘The Senior Project’:

The Senior Project is the culminating experience of the DFVP program. Students will employ their cumulative skills to pre-produce a significant, sophisticated, digital film in a chosen genre.

My main objective for this blog is to trace my steps as of the Pre-Production, to Production, to Post-production.  Not only to follow the logistics of the project, but also to gain motivation and inspiration for my project.  I find most of my inspiration through people, places, and things that I experience in my day to day life, and this blog gives me an opportunity to share it with the world.  In return, I hope that those reading this blog will also feel inspired in their own endeavors.

Click Here to get a list of my current projects.

One thought on “About Jaena

  1. Pingback: “Dance off”! Student work! « Life mimics

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